Eaquals International Conference 2017: It’s for everyone!
Our annual conference was open to all language education professionals.
The 3-day event provided a rich programme of professional development for centre owners and directors as well as academic staff.
Keynote speakers
Duncan Foord International teacher trainer and expert in management and leadership. Duncan is Director of OxfordTEFL and author of From English Teacher to Learner Coach, The Developing Teacher and The Language Teachers Survival Handbook. Duncan will lead the full-day Thursday workshop on Developing your team: building and maintaining effective teams in organisations.
Marie Delaney Educational psychotherapist, and English and Modern Foreign Languages teacher and teacher trainer. Marie is author of Into the Classroom: Special Educational Needs, Teaching the Unteachable and What can I do with the kid who…? She is co-author of the British Council SEN online resources for teachers and the report on Language for Resilience : understanding the language needs of Syrian Refugees. Her plenary dealt with the topic of Inclusion of all – is it possible? Myths and realities.
Russell Stannard Multi award-winning Educational Technologist, especially known for his pioneering work in using technology to enhance feedback and his experiments with the Flipped Classroom. In 2015 Russell was listed as one of the top 23 most influential Educational. His closing plenary on the first day of the conference was on Key Technologies that can impact on teaching and learning
Jackie Kassteen International education marketing expert, consultant and project manager. Jackie specialises in recruitment and retention strategies through the use of online and offline marketing techniques, social media, alumni, product and partnership development as well as competitive analysis and research.
Brian North worked for 37 years for Eurocentres and was Chair of Eaquals 2005–10. He developed the descriptors for the CEFR, of which he is co-author. He was also co-author of the prototype European Language Portfolio and coordinator and co-author of the Manual for relating examinations to the CEFR and of Eaquals CEFR Core Inventories for English and for French. His most recent publication is “The CEFR in Practice” (CUP 2014) and his most recent project, on which he will be reporting, concerns the extension of the CEFR descriptors. Brian delivered a session on Recent updates to CEFR and relevance for classroom practitioners