The main objective of this session is to raise awareness on the use of innovative testing and scoring systems for decision makers and language teachers. The attendees will receive information about how to implement in their own contexts, these assessment tools in order to facilitate the understanding of the test taker English language skills that are fundamentally needed for the 21st century. The international standardized tests such as the TOEFL iBT® test and the forthcoming TOEFL® Essentials™ test can assist by providing information to decision makers. This webinar is for decision-makers, school administrators, teachers, university professors and internationalization staff who are interested in the importance of English language assessments for the internationalization process. ETS through TOEFL iBT and TOEFL Essentials measure the academic skills and general language competences necessary to succeed academically and in other spheres by using combining human centered expertise with technology innovations to obtain objective and fair information. The presentation will also provide attendees information about the appropriate use of the TOEFL iBT and TOEFL Essentials to meet their decision-making needs about English proficiency.