Accreditation step by step
Support for future development
Eaquals Standards are demanding and therefore Eaquals offers advice and support to language centres which are considering applying for Accredited Membership to help them decide the best way to prepare for their First Inspection.
Eaquals Advisory Services are designed to be supportive and constructive, and their main aim is
- to help a language centre to review its standards and practices in line with the Eaquals requirements
- to enable it to make a considered and realistic judgement on whether and when to proceed with the application for Eaquals Accreditation
- to avoid the risk of applying before it is fully ready.
The Eaquals accreditation process consists of four main stages: Self-Assessment (mandatory), consultancy online, the Advisory Visit (optional) and the First inspection.
Institutional Self-Assessment
The Self-Assessment is designed to facilitate a review of all aspects of the language centre’s work and to help it decide whether to pursue accreditation by Eaquals and whether to seek further advice from Eaquals in preparation for a successful inspection outcome.
The Self-Assessment, which mirrors the structure of the Inspection Scheme, includes a review of systems, processes and standards of the language centre in relation to the Eaquals Quality Standards.
The Self-Assessment Handbook, which can be acquired from Eaquals Secretariat, includes the following elements:
- the Self-Assessment Questionnaire
- Self-Assessment Activities
- the Guide to Developing an Action Plan
- the Eaquals Glossary
The Questionnaire – submitted to Eaquals – is reviewed by the Director of Accreditation. The conclusion of the Self-Assessment form the basis of the language centre’s discussions with Eaquals about the next steps of the Accreditation process. Priorities and an action plan are agreed as well as the time framework to implement them.
Consultancy online
On-line consultancy is based on the outcome of Self-Assessment and is not limited to online calls and ad hoc help and support. It may also include extensive document revision and support in developing documentation e.g. course programmes, tests, CPD programmes, performance review procedures, etc. The scope of the online consultancy is agreed with the Director of Eaquals Accreditation.
Pre-inspection Advisory Visit is not mandatory but highly recommended. It is conducted by one of Eaquals senior inspectors. Its scope and focus relate to the findings from Self-Assessment conducted prior to the on-site Visit. The length of the Visit is determined by the size of the centre and the number of venues, and varies from one to three days. The aim of the Visit is to see ‘the institution in action’, assess implementation of the academic system and conduct class observations to make an informed decision whether a language centre is ready for the first inspection. The written report defines the time frame of the accreditation project and formulates action points i.e. what needs to be done before the inspection. It also includes suggestions for further improvement.
First Inspection is carried out by two Eaquals inspectors who are familiar with the centre’s academic context and the result of the Advisory Visit (if applicable) as well as conclusions from Self-Assessment. The inspection report delivered by inspectors and moderated by the Accreditation Panel, includes a verdict statement, recommendations for further development, and if applicable requirements to meet Eaquals Quality Standards.
Click here for the flowchart presenting the accreditation process
Find out more about the application process link to Application process