Quality assurance and accreditation
Eaquals exists to foster quality in language education and we are recognised as a world leader in international accreditation.
We have been designing and applying quality standards for language education since our foundation in 1991 and now operate in over 30 countries worldwide.
We are regularly invited to provide advice and consultancy on quality assurance and to speak on this topic at international professional events.
Our international contribution
Eaquals has assisted national and international bodies to develop their own inspection systems, as well as operating our own highly-respected accreditation scheme. Many of our Associate Members are responsible for accrediting language teaching centres at national level and Eaquals actively supports them in their work.
We advise the Council of Europe on language policy issues and have worked with them to improve the quality of language provision for adult migrants across its 47 member states. We are a member of the Professional Network Forum at the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) with particular reference to quality issues.
Eaquals actively contributes to the work of ISO. We have liaison status with two ISO technical committees; ISO/TC 176, which is responsible for ISO 9001, and ISO/TC 232, which is developing standards for education and training outside the formal sector. We helped develop ISO standards for language learning services and quality management for learning service providers.
The Eaquals approach
Eaquals accreditation is designed to be relevant to all types of language teaching organisation and applies to the teaching of all languages. We accredit both private and state-run centres and we operate in any country.
Our quality scheme is more than just a system for accrediting institutions. We aim to make a constructive contribution to the improvement of the organisations we inspect and our inspection reports provide a blueprint for further institutional development.
We regularly review and update our own scheme to make sure it remains up-to-date and reflects developments in the profession.
Find out more about Eaquals accreditationOur services
We provide extensive consultancy and training in quality assurance to individual institutions as well as large national and international bodies.
We design quality standards, train inspectors, advise on how to set up and implement inspection schemes and generally assist to build capacity in this area.
We can advise on how to develop internal quality assurance systems and provide practical tools and resources for institutional benchmarking and self-evaluation.
Consultancy and Training