Training Scheme for New Inspectors 2023
Eaquals inspectors are language education professionals with considerable managerial and international experience. Before being appointed they undergo training and must demonstrate a good knowledge of the Eaquals Inspection Schemes together with the capacity to objectively evaluate an institution’s performance against the Quality Standards and communicate the inspection results in an appropriate way. They are required to follow the prescribed inspection procedures, comply with the principles of Eaquals inspections and respect the Terms and Conditions for inspectors.
The training programme
The programme will be delivered online and will include input sessions, familiarisation tasks, standardisation assignments and on-the-job training (face-to-face inspection). The programme will focus on the main Scheme (Version 7.2). There will also be two webinars to present the Scheme for Higher Education Institutions and the Scheme for Online Providers emphasising the synergy between the three schemes and highlighting the main differences.
Click here for the Outline of the training programme.
Application Procedure
- Interested candidates are invited to fill in the Application form and submit it together with a CV
- All submissions will be acknowledged upon receipt/within 24 hours. In case you do not receive an acknowledgement, please contact us at
- Closing date for applications is 31 July 2023
- Invitations to attend an interview will be sent by 18 August 2023
- Interviews will be conducted by the Eaquals Director of Accreditation, and two members of the Accreditation Panel in the week of 18 September 2023
Requirements for becoming Eaquals inspector
- qualifications for and extensive experience in language teaching
- experience in language centre management
- a good knowledge of the day-to-day operations of language centres in different contexts
- capacity to analyse an institution’s performance
- familiarity with quality assurance schemes
- competence in English: minimum requirement C1 level including the ability to write a report in English
- good intercultural and communication skills
- attention to detail and ability to meet deadlines
- experience of working in language education for the higher education sector
- familiarity with blended and online language programmes
- experience in other quality assurance schemes
- competence in one main European language other than English and/or in one of the following languages: Arabic, Japanese, Korean or Mandarin
Before applying please review the Terms and Conditions for Eaquals inspectors.