Event information

Take advantage of expert training and development by attending an Eaquals event

We offer a stimulating programme of conferences with two major international meetings each year.

Eaquals events are a key forum for the exchange of expertise in the learning and teaching of all languages and are attended by professionals from both the private and state sector. Our events are keenly priced and are educational rather than commercial. They provide practical professional training and development and an opportunity to network with education professionals with a shared commitment to quality.


See what our members say about Eaquals events

The Eaquals International Conference

The annual Eaquals International Conference takes place in April each year and is open to all, members and non-members alike.

Attended by delegates from over 30 countries, the conference attracts directors and owners, academic and business managers, language teachers and those involved in course and assessment design. It brings together eminent speakers and trainers who are specialists in international language education. Since many of our Associate members are leading language education bodies, Eaquals conferences give delegates access to high quality experts and expertise.

For those who are considering applying to become members of Eaquals, the conference is an excellent opportunity to find out more about our Association and our work and to learn more about the advantages of joining from representatives of existing members.

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Eaquals Members Meetings

The Eaquals Members Meeting takes place each November and provides members with an opportunity to attend practical professional development and training workshops on topics of particular relevance to language education professionals.

Topics are chosen in consultation with members and include course design and curriculum development, language assessment, academic management and teacher development along with classroom practice, quality assurance and business and marketing management.

The Meeting also updates members on Eaquals projects and resources and seeks their feedback on new developments.

With members teaching over 25 languages in more than 30 countries, Eaquals meetings provide a unique opportunity to exchange expertise across a diverse range of educational contexts and to keep up with international developments in our field.

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