Eaquals Core Inventory for French
Eaquals launches major resource for French
Making the CEFR tangible – the Eaquals Core Inventory for French/L’Inventaire des contenus clés aux niveaux du CECR.
Inventaire des contenus clés aux niveaux du CECR
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Published jointly with CIEP – the Centre international d’études pédagogiques – the Inventaire contains guidance on appropriate teaching points at each CEFR level, with a summary of key points with detailed language examples for each level. It aims to make the CEFR tangible for classroom teachers and course designers.
The Inventaire follows the success of the version for English and was developed by Eaquals and Eurocentres under the leadership of Brian North, with support from the Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers (CASLT) and CIEP.