Member Event Fund Report – MAQS
Training For New MAQS Inspectors
The purpose of the training was to train new inspectors of MAQS, especially for other languages except English. There were teachers and managers (teachers) from the private language schools in Skopje. There were 3 German teachers, 3 English, 1 French and Spanish and 1 German and Albanian. In total 8 participants of different language profiles. The chair of MAQS also participated on the event and member of the Inspection Committee too, not counting the trainers themselves.
Topics/Themes of the training:
The training was held 3 days, 20 hours. The following topics were presented during the training:
– Associations for Quality Language Services- MAQS and EAQUALS
– Profiles of MAQS inspectors in comparison to EAQUALS
– Criteria and standards in the foreign language teaching
– Class observation and evaluation
– Pre-inspection and inspection process
– Post inspection activities (simulation)
– Oral feedback and written report
The actual training:
The training began with the greetings of the MAQS chair and the two trainers. The trainees introduce themselves and the training started with MAQS and EAQUALS standards. After that there was a longer presentation about MAQS inspector profile in comparison to EAQUALS. The trainers’ idea for the whole training was to lead the trainees through the whole process of inspection by performing a workshop. Therefore they were divided into 3 groups and they were working together through the whole training. The attendees got acquainted with the MAQS inspection scheme by contributing with the ideas of the inspection process. They were presented the introduction items which guided them to the separate charters of the Scheme as in: General Management, Academic Management, Class Observation and Premises and Equipment. At the end of the second day, the “prospective” inspectors had simulated an inspection. On the third day the presenters together with the trainees discussed the final report preceded by an oral feedback of the simulated inspection. All the attendees got Certificates and have become MAQS INSPECTORS.
The “prospective” inspectors will be having additional practical work as being assistant inspectors on the upcoming MAQS inspections. The practical work will give them more confidence and a real picture of the whole inspection.