Eaquals Event Speaker Report: ELT Forum 2018
Ania Kolbuszewska represented Eaquals at the ELT Forum 2018, which was held from 8-9 June in Bratislava, Slovakia. The event welcomed 360 delegates from teaching and management backgrounds.
Presentation Title: ‘A sandwich gone off’
Presentation by: Ania Kolbuszewska
Abstract: One of the most important jobs of a manager is to provide feedback to staff on what they do and how they do it. This seems easy enough, as countless “How-to” books will tell you: tell them what they did right, then tell them what they did wrong, and finally give them some encouragement to ensure you finish on a high note. But this so-called sandwich approach is criticised by many as not only ineffective but also inherently cynical.
In this presentation we will examine alternatives to the sandwich approach to feedback. We will remind ourselves of what makes feedback effective, and we will look together at example situations with the aim of applying the principles discussed in the course of the presentation.