Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Foreign Language Education
Global Issues, Models, and Best Practices from the Middle East and Turkey published by Springer has been released this month.
The editor of the volume is Dr Donald F. Staub, School of Foreign Languages, Izmir University of Economics and the publication is the outcome of a May 2018 international conference on quality and specialised accreditation, held in Turkey.
The book’s three sections take the reader from the global to the programme level, examining trends and best practices in quality assurance in EFL programmes at Higher Education institutions. Eaquals Director of Accreditation Ludka Kotarska – one of the contributors to the volume – in the chapter ‘Accreditation: A Commodity or a Quest for Quality?’ raises the question of whether accreditation actually offers value addition to languages programmes, or is it simply a commodity that language teaching institutions are seeking to acquire for marking purposes.