Eaquals – Message from Board of Trustees
We find ourselves in unprecedented times which are proving extremely challenging for all. The Covid19 Coronavirus and the measures which are being taken at global level to manage this are having a significant impact on all of our members and their businesses.
As you are aware, Eaquals has postponed our annual conference and AGM until 22-24th October and we are very appreciative of your understanding. We know that all of our members are facing an unforeseen crisis and we want to make sure that we are supporting you in every way that we can.
All inspections scheduled for March, April and May have been postponed or rescheduled and we will continue to remain flexible in relation to any re-inspections which are due within the next 6 months.
Given the current situation in many countries, there has been an immediate shift towards working online. To this end, we will be providing two online training webinars for our members. These are as follows:
- Teaching live online using Zoom | Friday 20th March, 10.00am (GMT)
- Teaching asynchronously online | Friday 27th March, 10.00am (GMT)
The links for the webinars will be sent out to all members and can be shared with teaching and training staff. We will ensure that these are also then available to members in the members area of the website.
Our thoughts are with all who are being affected by this unprecedent situation. We will endeavour to do our best to support our members during the time. Please feel free to get in touch with us at any stage if there is anything that we can be of assistance with.
With best wishes,
Justin Quinn, Eaquals Chair, on behalf of the Eaquals Board