Eaquals: Fostering excellence and triumphs in Türkiye

Eaquals Announcement


Eaquals: Fostering excellence and triumphs in Türkiye


Eaquals is proud to announce that it has been recognised as an accrediting body by the Turkish Higher Education Quality Council (THEQC) of YOKAK.


Establised in 1991, Eaquals is the leading international provider of quality assurance in the language learning sector. It aims to foster excellence in language education across the world by providing leadership, guidance and support to governments, teaching institutions and individuals. To date, Eaquals has developed three accreditation schemes catering for private and public language institutions, online language providers and one specifically designed for Higher Education Institutions.


THEQC was founded in 2015 and is currently the only national entity responsible for quality assurance in Higher Education in Türkiye. Its main responsibilities include external evaluation of Turkish higher education institutions, the authorization of independent international accreditation agencies and creating a culture based on principles of quality assurance among higher education institutions.


Eaquals is honoured to be recognised as one of the international accreditation agencies of THEQC and offer its industry expertise to help Higher Education Institutions in Türkiye obtain its highly regarded badge of quality.


Türkiye has been seeing a constant increase in the number of students attending a Higher Education institution and during the academic year 2021/2022 this number stood at approximately 8.3 million students with an addition of another 250,000 international students as per the statistics published by the Council of Higher Education. In fact, this sector currently employs 184,702 academic staff members in approximately 204 Universities.


At present, Eaquals has over 155 members from over 35 countries, 21% of which are Higher Education Institutions. Such a collaboration helps Eaquals expand its geographical reach and stay true to its core values of fostering international cooperation and serve the interests of language learners worldwide.