Our contribution to the development of the CEFR
Since Eaquals was founded in 1991 to the present day, we have played a leading role in the introduction of the CEFR and the European Language Portfolio (ELP) in language education and key Eaquals personnel have been crucially involved in the CEFR project.
Some examples are listed below:
- Proposal for the European Language Portfolio (1991)
- Proposal for the CEFR and the CEFR levels (1992)
- Development and validation of the CEFR ‘Can Do’ descriptors (1993-6)
- Definition of the CEFR Common Reference Levels (1994)
- Co-authorship of the CEFR-book (1994-5)
- Co-authorship of the prototype European Language Portfolio (1996/2000)
- Pilot implementation of the CEFR (1997-9)
- First European Language Portfolio for adults (2000)
- Revision of CEFR publication (2001)
- Contribution to the Guide for CEFR users(2002), and to CEFR case studies (2002)
- Guide to the ELP for employers (2003)
- Coordination of the manual for relating examinations to the CEFR (2003-9)
- First electronic ELP (2004)
- First illustrative video samples showing CEFR levels (2004)
- Methodology for CEFR benchmarking workshops (2005)
- Information sheets and summaries for teachers (2006)
- Standardisation packs for use in language institutions (2007)
- Training guide on CEFR curriculum development (2008)
- Case studies on curriculum implementation (2009)
- Revision of the Council of Europe descriptors – (2009)
- Training Guide on aspects of CEFR assessment and certification (2009)
- EAQUALS – British Council Core Inventory for English, specifying content for each level (2010)
- L’ Inventaire des contenus clés aux niveaux du CECR (2015)