Practical resources

Practical resources for language teaching

The CEFR is central to a number of Eaquals projects involving our Accredited and Associate Members. CEFR standardisation packs, training materials, case studies, self-help guides and descriptor banks are all available on the Eaquals website.

Applying the CEFR in the classroom

Eaquals leads the way in making the CEFR more accessible to language teachers and helping them decide what to teach at each level. We have published two major guides, one for English and one for French as a foreign language:


The Core Inventory for General English

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Published with the British Council.


Inventaire des contenus clés aux niveaux du CECR

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Published with CIEP, the Centre international d’études pédagogiques

The Core Inventory and the Inventaire contain guidance on appropriate teaching points at each CEFR level, with a summary of key points and detailed language examples for each level. They aim to make the CEFR tangible for classroom teachers and course designers.

Published in 2015, the Inventaire follows the success of the version for English and was developed by Eaquals and Eurocentres under the leadership of Brian North, with support from the Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers (CASELT) and CIEP.

Additional resources produced by Eaquals and our members

A wide range of background resources and training and standardisation materials are available here. Resources are organised in main areas as follows:


Introduction to the CEFR with checklists of descriptors

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These materials provide an initial overview and basic orientation to the CEFR. The Checklists of Descriptors are drawn from the language biographies in the 2000 Portfolio and are available here in 13 different languages.


CEFR standardisation materials – Spoken samples with documentation

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English, French, German, Italian


CEFR standardisation materials – Written samples with documentation

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English, French, German, Portuguese, Italian


Guidance on curriculum and syllabus development

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Eaquals members have produced two manuals to assist academic managers who wish to develop a CEFR-orientated curriculum in their language centre. The manuals contain practical advice and case studies that illustrate the experiences of curriculum development at seven very different Eaquals-member institutions.