The Eaquals Framework for Language for Academic Purposes Teacher Training & Development

The Eaquals LAP Framework aims to describe the key competencies required of language teachers in academic contexts across three phases of professional development. It is intended for use by teachers, managers, coordinators, teacher trainers and other professionals working in the field of language for academic purposes.

The Eaquals Framework for Language for Academic Purposes Teacher Training & Development

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What is the relationship between the Eaquals LAP Framework & the Eaquals TD Framework?
The foundation of the LAP framework is the TD framework originally created by Eaquals in 2016. As such, the
LAP framework follows the structure of the TD framework which means that it is structured on three phases of
development across five areas: Planning teaching and learning, Teaching and supporting learning, Assessment
of learning, Language communication and culture and the teacher as professional.
Within the LAP framework, competencies are described in terms of both “Knowledge of…” and “Skills in…”.
As with the TD framework, the LAP framework sets out competencies in these areas and across these phases in
order to encourage teacher development through self-assessment, principled evaluation and reflection. The
descriptors of competences are kept as concise and free of jargon or acronyms as possible.
When constructing the LAP framework competencies, the descriptors used with the TD framework were
considered so that there is clear equivalence between both frameworks.
However, the LAP is not a supplement to the TD framework. It can be used by itself, but those familiar with the
TD framework and those who have used it for evaluation or CPD should see equivalences.