The Eaquals Framework for Language Teacher Training & Development

Eaquals Framework aims to help teachers to evaluate and reflect on their language teaching competences, but in greater depth and using more detailed descriptors. It sets out key professional competences in terms knowledge and skills over three main phases of development and encourages a positive attitude to self-assessment and evaluation. It is equally relevant for both novice and experienced teachers, for academic managers, for teacher educators and for those planning and designing teacher training programmes.

The Eaquals Framework for Language Teacher Training and Development is now available in German as well as English and can be downloaded here.

The Eaquals Framework for Language Teacher Training and Development

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The Eaquals Framework for Language Teacher Training and Development Online

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The Eaquals Framework reflects current interest across the profession in describing and supporting the development of language teacher competences, which are seen as a combination of attitudes, values, knowledge and skills. It resulted from an internal Eaquals project involving specialists from several countries and can be used to complement the less detailed European Profiling Grid (EPG).

What are its main aims?

  • To help practising teachers to assess and reflect on their own language teaching competences, and to set their own goals for further development
  • to help managers to identify training needs and plan professional development support for practising teachers
  • to encourage teachers to continue their professional development on their own and with the support of their institutions
  • to help document the design of public training courses for practising teachers
  • to serve as a tool for evaluating and accrediting teacher training courses.

The Eaquals Framework can also serve as a basis for those wishing to develop additional descriptors for more specific areas, such as the teaching of languages for academic purposes, materials design, teaching young learners, teaching one-to-one lessons, and providing specialised training.

What does the Eaquals Framework contain?

The downloadable booklet contains the following elements:

  • An introduction describing the Framework’s aims, uses, its layout, the three phases of professional development, and an overview of the areas of teacher competence covered;
  • The values and attitudes that are expected to form the foundations of a language teacher’s work
  • Tables of detailed descriptors for 25 sub-sections of five main areas of language teacher competences in the form of ‘knowledge’ and ‘skills’, organised over three development phases
  • A glossary, and examples of use.